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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  June 19, 2013 12:29am-1:01am EDT

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worse if you were to look a little like the. radio guy for a minute. what. did you never see them being like i'm telling. you guys i'm not being one lucky break in the set some americans are probably rejoicing today over afghanistan president hamid karzai announced a transfer of security control from nato to afghan domestic forces and the media is hailing it as a major milestone hundred thousand forces taking a backseat to afghans as they hand over control of ninety five districts within the country so sure afghans will be in charge of their operations but it's still nato play a huge role of just ticks air support and combat scenarios when necessary but what about u.s. involvement other than the fact that the u.s. funds the majority of nato operations obama made this pledge just
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a year ago. we will not build permanent bases in this country nor will we be patrolling in cities and that will be the job of the afghan people we have a clear path to fulfill our mission in afghanistan while delivering justice to all . right no bases justice or al-qaeda and so on and so on interesting however that in that same trip obama also signed an agreement with karzai to commit to keeping twenty five thousand combat troops in afghanistan through two thousand and twenty four so not only will there be a nato presence but there will still be a u.s. troop presence hand don't forget the tens of thousands of private contractor boots on the ground yep the financial times just reported that there are over one hundred eight thousand defense contractors currently in the country so many in fact of the d.o.d. can't even keep track of what they're doing there so guys don't be fooled u.s. control over afghanistan is not going anywhere anytime soon. after all has the us
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ever left the country it's invaded with all that said let's break the set. up. or she i mean like. yesterday n.s.a. whistleblower edward snowden spoke out yet again this time in the form of a question and answer with the guardian where he answered a series of questions about the leaks he released and why one of the questions asked of snowden was whether the treatment of past whistleblowers had inspired him to release the trove of documents and in response he said quote binney drake kerry aku and manning are all examples of how overly harsh responses to public interest whistle blowing only escalate the scale scope and scale involved in future disclosures these draconian responses simply build better whistleblowers one of those many you mention is actually joining us right now thomas drake former n.s.a.
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senior executive and whistleblower of warrantless spying along with just a whistleblower a national security director for the government accountability project thank you so much both of you for taking the time for shit thank you for so have not it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks for you guys and thomas i'll start with you daniel ellsberg of course with the most famous whistleblowers of all time said that this was the most important week in american history do you agree with that sentiment or sort of why because we're seeing the contours of an extraordinary systemic leviathan surveillance system that is now world wide in scope. and how is prism different than true blaser of the program that you expose in two thousand and nine that actually you were charging the espionage act for well prism none of this is surprising me but there's an extraordinary revelation in terms of actually seeing a document that demonstrates that there is a collusion between the u.s. government and some of the most powerful largest internet service providers not only the country but the world where the government is essentially giving direct access. yes subscriber information on
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a very large scale including the content of their information on those servers hosted by those loyal speeds. how did this go beyond what bush had authorized during his administration does i think people are looking at this saying the patriot act fire has already kind of authorized this kind of overstepping on this definitely expanded it i mean way in the bush administration they were wiretapping in doing that without a warrant but now we're talking about telling the government actually going to the nine largest providers in the country and sitting on their servers and having a backdoor into google apple microsoft and their content and their methods data so the program first of all i mean that bush and congress declared was legal turned out to be illegal and they passed a law to retroactively authorize that and immunize the telecoms and then now again
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yet again we have a new president and congress saying it's legal nothing to worry about and it's breaking two major federal laws in the fourth amendment of the constitution and obama's also said multiple times that congressional oversight is americans only chance to really understand if spine or that they aren't being spied on sorry but but just on how can we assure that congressional oversight will happen if the fight is the courts completely secret if the people being briefed are happening in secret and they're sworn to secrecy and they can't tell anyone what's going on we can't record is no substitute for real article three court it operates completely in secret it hears only one side of the case and rubber stamps everything last year is an example it approved nearly two thousand applications and rejected zero and in terms of congress the intel committees are briefed but then there are gagged and that's why you have people like white and you are all making cryptic statements that if a mirror. new what the secret interpretation of two fifteen was they would be
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outraged so that is not robust oversight to have everything done in secrecy and have some honest broker congress in trying to make reference to secret interpretations how many people are in the loop here that we're talking about behind these briefings. but it's actually a very small group i mean this is part of it the ones that are vetted the ones are authorized to actually speak secrets even in secret i mean this is unprecedented in this country i mean it really truly is how can such deep secrets exist in a democracy a concert for public without something giving and what's giving our fundamental rights and liberties and i do believe if the conversations and discussions about the people are now having over the past two weeks or any occasion people are growing more uncomfortable with what's been going on for the past twelve years and maybe just maybe the government is overreaching. and i want to play you guys a clip from house democrat sanchez who was briefed in light of the leak. what we
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learned and there is significantly more and what is the media today i can't speak. so what we learned in there. and i don't know if there are other leaks if there is more information somewhere or if somebody else is going to step up but i will tell you that. i believe it's hip of the iceberg thomas if this is just the tip of the iceberg what could be more pervasive than spying on everyone including foreign governments. well i've said this somewhat. i was maybe i was being a little bit jokey when i said that the world wide web is really the short version of essays we wiretapped the world and i think what she's referring to is the fact there are additional orders there's additional programs that have not been revealed
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in terms of actual material evidence documentation i think that once those come out and those are likely at least some of those are coming out based on what we're our understanding. node in terms what's in his position once those are disclose i think several of those shoes will drop in the government's desperate to protect the deepest of the secrets which is not only that socially u.s. citizens are the equivalent of foreign nationals there is no foreign intelligence surveillance court it's simply a rubber stamp surveillance court we're going to find that this that citizens that are supposed to have rights including citizens in other countries are simply subjects of a surveillance state and we just need the data. particularly interesting that the n.s.a. was tapping the civilian infrastructure is in other countries i mean unbeknownst to the governments i how is that even possible it's just unbelievable. as they can you know why is it you know it's very deeply tapping a hospital or a school or something like that i mean information is the currency of power and
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getting more and more information is the name of the game particularly in this very secretive regime we've put in place under bush and only grown and expanded under obama so the flip side. i love the leaking is all the overclassification and this secret ing of everything in america and when she made that statement that was before this weekend's revelations there prism is one of four programs that are gathering just met its out of content and thomas intelligence officials today said that the n.s.a. wiretapping program had actually the warded at least fifty terrorist attacks yet in light of the boston bombing and the underwear bomber there was actually internal reports that said that the needle in the haystack method doesn't work it actually deters intelligence from being gathered in the dots being connected if this program is not serving its stated purpose what is its purpose what services it serves a very very large contractor pay so it's one of the elephants in the room
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staggering amounts of money are being made off the fear mongering since nine eleven you now have an entire industrialized scale mechanism by which the number of contractors are feeding off and it's a lot of money and so you also have those in congress who are supporting and enabling you know this is become normalized that's why it's not something that's an aberration it's not something that's a one off it's going normalized and so they must define it they're not going to give up the secret power willingly. of the profit making within congress as well with members just on i want to show you a chart of research study that paul republicans and democrats about n.s.a. surveillance programs in two thousand and six and two thousand and thirteen under bush only twenty three percent of republicans found that spying was unacceptable under obama jumped to forty seven percent similarly when democrats were polled sixty one percent said it was unacceptable under bush dropping almost half thirty
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four percent now under obama why is civil liberties and spying a partisan issue it should be and in fact here i've actually seen some good good bipartisan. matching i mean we have sensenbrenner who wrote the patriot act coming out against this you know in addition to why i had been a new to all in and work bully and people you would think would have a problem with this and again when this happened earlier we had that strange bedfellows but nominal with republican libertarians and program democrats saying this is unacceptable for the government to have this much power and the people not even know about it and in terms of all the fear mongering about stopping terrorist plots that's an ends justifies the means argument that is a consequential you know look at this rather than you know an actual reason we
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should allow law breaking and i would actually challenge the statement that was actually made by alexander and company how many of those quote unquote terrorist plots or events were actually disrupted stopped or for and it's sold on the basis of the secret surveillance programs and not by other means and again even if we got the answer there's no way to test that here the government has told huge allies because they're spying on tens of millions of americans digital data and yet we're supposed to rely on them right now just trust us yet again to tell you how many terrorist plots we foiled but we can only tell you so much and this is coming from and ministration that is certainly not shy about bragging about the terror plots that it disrupts also that it manufactures and then this or ups. well this is one of the actually dynamics i mean in a concert republican marker see this is not informed consent by those who are governed this is manufactured consent and are actually are it's course in secret
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and so on i would see her we know what's best for you and we're simply going to make those decisions on your behalf we're not going to tell you what those decisions are that's not democracy it's just appealing to authority thomas what's your response to the argument if i have nothing to hide. and if there is a wonderful opportunity for me to share something i've been asking everybody that i meet over the last couple of weeks so just take your life and do the following the keys to your car your house all of your passwords every single account your medical records your bank statements take all of those including all of your valuables go to the other side of town and give it to a perfect stranger. are you going to do it and let them. keep it for you. are you going to do that why not the real question is why not and why would you let the government do that if you say no to that question then why on earth would you let the government i would be about someone that i know let alone someone i don't know at all but you trust your fellow citizens or you. don't know anymore to.
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trust your. think you. guys are going to be here thank you. three hundred eleven doing what i'm not on air you guys check me out on twitter abby martin if you like what you see you can follow me there you'll find out my tweet thinking the segments from the show as well as random thoughts i had throughout the day and also please help us get breaking the trending on twitter because now we can get trending on the twitter sphere but only with your help so i did twitter and check now martin and i took a break from my preaching for now but after the break we'll look at the history of the g. eight and what's on their agenda for this. dangerous experiments prisoners they want to make money and they have healthy guinea pigs in
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the regular society they're not able to use prisoners anymore they wish they could . drug tests on human guinea pigs. to deadly pills you can play. he was killed. he didn't pass away they let him die. is pharmacy really about helping people. he.
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i. today was the second and final day of the thirty ninth g eight summit in northern ireland where heads of states of the world's most powerful countries convene every year however what makes this year's gathering specials that it solidifies the notion that the g eight is nothing more than a club of self-important world leaders keen on celebrating their own power so if this meeting isn't about real global policy and what is the what is it. the j. it's comprised of the participation of heads of government from canada france
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germany italy japan russia the u.k. and the u.s. but there are nine seats in the last ones filled by a delegate of the e.u. the group meets for two days at a different location every year and at the end of the meeting the group delivers a final document which serves as an outline for the global issues jay leaders will have agreed to work on in the past those umbrella issues have ranged from climate change to global poverty and at times are absurdly broad and unfeasible previously the g eight ambitiously declared that they would end world hunger by two thousand and fifteen but later announced that that goal was simply unattainable chris lee their senior food advisor for oxfam international spoken disappointment about the jays failure in this regard saying that quote ministers have made an extraordinary admission of collective failure the jail has failed the world's one billion hungry people. look i'm not saying that it's the responsibility of these eight countries to feed the world's hungry what i am saying is that the rhetoric from these summits
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is almost always empty and baseless so if that's the case what is on the agenda this year will the g it's agenda was dominated by a political conflict in north korea iran and syria as danger zones even though many had hoped the pressing issue of climate change would have also been on the list of priorities and unsurprisingly the group further showed a lack of unity on syria with seven of the members in agreement that assad should step down and president putin being the lone voice of opposition in the matter here's the bigger picture though why is it only up to these eight countries to decide the fate of syria and the region at large for that matter what is palestine and lebanon only the frame it's this geo political chess game but i digress what i found most interesting is how one of the main focuses of this year's g. eight was the subject of increased government transparency ironic considering how much of the debate is being conducted behind closed doors and funny how the g eight
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summit occurs right on the heels of the others supers secretive conference which was also held in the u.k. only one week ago phil de burgh so is there any wonder why there is a massive protest movement following the g eight accusing the elite group of failing to work in the interest of the majority year after year well earlier i spoke with our two correspondent holy boyko who's on the ground in northern ireland outside of the g eight summit right now to give us an update on what the demonstrations look like this year. the security operation surrounding the g eight summit has been absolutely immense we've had extra police drafted in from the u.k. mainland to help god. and resorts where the talks are taking place there have been a number of barrie is a wreck said around the town. the leaders all meeting a fifty million pound ring of steel around the hotel where everybody is staying so
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that's really keeping the protest as a and there have been a number of protests around in belfast and in the town next to where the summit is taking place at the same time trade union representatives and globalist anti capitalists who won world leaders to really address issues such as world hunger and poverty at the same time a lot of people saying that the security operation here has been perhaps an intimidation tactic and a way of keeping the protesters as far away from the summit as possible. the protesters have many grievances among them that the group doesn't only exclude the ninety nine percent of their respective countries but also excludes the entire developing world international meetings fail to include countries which are actually experiencing rapid economic growth like india and china as well as countries in africa and latin america look the real purpose of these meetings is to promote the prosperity of the rich countries involved under the guise of
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international philanthropy case in point is obama's announcement of the team for the transatlantic trade and investment partnership on the first day of the summit what is the t.s.p. well as i'm sure you've guessed it's yet another secretive trade deal that will put into effect a crackdown on the internet as well as less regulations for banks and corporations under the auspices of promising jobs and economic prosperity ok so baseless rhetoric and empty promises aside these conferences cost a huge amount to taxpayers and their price tag increases significantly by the year this year the g eight costs seventy five million dollars wait for it for security alone seventy five million dollars my god a police presence all too reminiscent of a time where this town was occupied in the apartheid state of northern ireland a fact that the u.k. government has made a strong effort to distract from yet you would think that at the very least hosting
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such a high profile event would be good for the local economy but hasn't exactly been the case since that of actually using government funds to promote growth within northern ireland's already devastated economy or one in four out of work taxpayer cash was used only to make it appear as though economic growth that already occurred see for yourself. if any of the g eight leaders happen down this road in county for mona out their window of growing trend in this part of northern ireland false stories. it's pictures of business in the windows of clothes shops in towns like in this skillet yes you heard correctly in one point three million dollars of public funds were used to fluff up the city literally painting fake facades on thriving businesses of thriving businesses on the side of more than one hundred empty dilapidated buildings interestingly all the serves as a metaphor for what the g eight really is
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a group of power hungry and efficient and secretive figureheads who do nothing more than advance their own agenda while operating under the guise of solving the world's problems. you feel like you're living in a version of the movie minority report do you remember the tom cruise box office hit that eerily portrayed a futuristic like surveillance state. that. would be positive for howard marks placing you under arrest for the future murder of sarah marks around you but it was take place today april twenty second at zero eight hundred hours more minutes. yes found guilty and punished before the crime is even committed while the seems far fetched unfortunately in the fictitious tech driven security apparatus in this
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movie has now become our reality and the fact minority report is credited as the catalyst for both states and the federal government to specifically request the same technology seen in the film be developed in real life it's the inspiration that has led to the creation of something called the next generation identification or n.g.i. it's a computer application that automatically identifies and a verify is a person based on a sole image or video frame it does this by digitally comparing selected facial features. between images told finds a nearly perfect match now the f.b.i. says this data is only authorized to be collected from people who've been arrested no arrests no worry right well i wouldn't rest easy just to get because there just want to pull states play by different rules yep as a washington post report lays out local law enforcement agencies all across the u.s. are collecting data on people who haven't ever been arrested take
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a look at this you know it's county florida this is how a traffic stop goes the snap of the picture the query of a database and the match of a face this is a positive match for this woman was who she said she was but often the computer identifies a lie and leads to an arrest today this software is good enough to match photos taken across multiple decades and even multiple genders it's made by a company called morpho trust which counts forty two states as clients not to mention the f.b.i. dea and state department yes folks you just saw people getting their pictures taken at routine traffic stops and just like that their bio metrics are uploaded into a giant database with no separation between criminals and non criminals because what you don't have to be speeding to find yourself in the facial recognition in your book you see some states have been taking it one step further so now you can
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voluntarily just give up your information without ever knowing it. say anything states are using our license photos when they search for suspects if you give up a biometric willingly you say willingly we could be getting a driver's license absolutely that's willing to you opt in to drive a car in most states using up a biometric that's right but it's not usually voluntary. but i believe it is so people can just choose not to drive cars. so let's sum up with the. requirement to give up your privacy if you simply want to drive a car or take a flight or even buy alcohol and not quite sure he knows what voluntary means it only works if you know that you're automatically entered into a giant and g.i. database and that my friends is exactly how law enforcement across the board has been able to justify building a catalog of american faces and in fact there are now
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a hundred and twenty million people already searchable in this database guys that's more than one third of the us not a total surprise considering how they can even extract our d.n.a. now after any arrest at all what's next blood samples the traffic stops too i wouldn't put it past this government at this point but in light of the proof that the n.s.a. is spying on everyone it's becoming more and more clear that this is not about fighting crime it's about tracking us all to keep us in line. welcome to tijuana here you can feel it. you know there are three choices you like first used to work in the
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mackillop. like a slave. the second is to jump the wall and catch the american dream. car and lose the. race just as they come up with number of an organisation and get inside the grog trade. if you buy sound they will never forget. that. look at this. for what i. would never stop a. series is just not a dreadful civil war it is now a regional conflict with red lines multiplying in
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a very dangerous rate obama's decision are members of the coalition is a bold step that could lead to a greater disaster how can more arms and greater outside intervention bring about peace in this war torn country. good leverage. to build a new most sophisticated. fortunately doesn't sound anything tombs mission to teach creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only on the dog.
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exactly a refuge in ecuador's london embassy. and many more fear of being shipped off to the us. president obama gets a lukewarm reception and he's met with pride. yes against washington's exposed global surveillance programs of which germany was among the worst affected. and the u.s. gives the go ahead to pace talks with the taliban as insurgents rockets claim more victims among american troops in war torn afghanistan. international news and.


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